Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Star Wars #1 Review

After a long while of promoting and hype, 'The Star Wars #1' finally went on sale last Wednesday. The 8-issue limited series adapting George Lucas' first draft of Star Wars serves as a big "What If?" to the films, and has certainly piqued many people's interest. I debated whether or not to read it in trade, but curiosity made me pick up the first issue last week. I was not disappointed.

The writer for this comic was an interesting choice, having previously written only non-fiction. People were skeptical of him being able to take on a fiction story. However, I had to wonder how much fiction he'd personally have to write. If this comic is adapted from a screenplay, then isn't he just transferring over some scenes into comic-book format? I gave him a chance. And like I said, I was not disappointed. The story is a bit all over the place, it being a first issue and all and having to explain what this familiar yet different universe is like. 

Cover A

Most of the characters have been introduced, from General Luke Skywalker to Kane and Annikin Starkiller to a slightly more human Darth Vader. There's a good deal of politics to let you know just whats up in this universe. All out war has not begun just yet, but the events of this issue and the tease of "Next Issue: The Empire Strikes!" shows that shits gonna go down pretty soon. All in all, I'm very excited to read this series. 

I think the most positive part of the issue is in its artistic design. Mike Mayhew does a great job at drawing familiar things like Star Destroyers, Jedi clothing, light sabers, etc. in a way that you can see how they could evolve into what we've all seen in the films. The back of the book even includes a concept art page that shows the different designs he came up with for Star Destroyers, the Cloud City-esque Imperial Capital, and Imperial Air Tanks. Some of the redesigns even gave me a chuckle; I could clearly tell what they were inspired by, but they were also noticeably different. The art of the issue is definitely it's strong point. 

If you're a fan of Star Wars and would like to see what might have been, I would absolutely check out this series. I'm very intrigued by this and will be buying and reviewing the rest of the series as it comes out. 

Cover B
Cover C

Cover D (Midtown Exclusive)

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